TThe Devotional Recognition-Response To Me Is The Divine Flowering Of the body-mind. Therefore, Your Heart Must Recognize Me and Choose Me—and Not merely believe Me—If I Am To "Brighten" You.
—Avatar Adi Da Samraj

He Is Here!

by Dennis Coccaro

Dennis Coccaro PictureAfter years of spiritual search, exploring, studying, and practicing eastern and western religious teachings, I discovered the Wisdom-Teaching of Adi Da Samraj while listening to a Lex Hixon broadcast on WBAI Radio here in New York. The program featured a group of Avatar Adi Da's devotees discussing the Way Of The Heart, and I was impressed and tremendously enlivened by what I heard. To my delight, when I purchased His books, The Knee of Listening and The Method of the Siddhas to read His Teachings, I found them to contain the most complete answer imaginable to all my heart's questions about life, spirituality and death, and everything in between.

For the next 5 years, I corresponded with the Adidam Community headquartered in California, and attended every study group, program and film presentation that was offered locally. During this period, Adi Da began to appear in my dreams, and I began to intuit how unique He Is as an Adept and Spiritual Teacher. Then in 1979, I was invited to California to attend a spiritual celebration of His birthday. He was going to personally attend.

A gentle steady rain was falling. Six hundred of us were chanting in a large tent that had been erected for this celebration on the grounds of the Adidam Sanctuary. Simultaneously, Adi Da was in the main meditation hall, named Western Face Cathedral, with a select group of his advanced students. Each of us was to go and offer a gift of fruit or flower at the large open double-doorway, and receive Adi Da's Blessing Regard for a few moments, bow and leave. There was no plan for Him to sit in meditation with any of us.

Adi Da Samraj Birthday Celebration - 1979After about an hour of chanting, and with only a small number of us having made our way to offer our gift to Him, Adi Da unexpectedly left the meditation hall and strode up the hill and into the tent. Cloaked in a white hooded kaftan, He took His seat on the dais. It was completely obvious to me that it was His direct response to the passionate heart-call of those of us who were chanting, and our need to see Him.

He took down His hood and stepped out of His sandals. As I turned to see Him, I found myself transfixed and spontaneously stopped chanting. My body relaxed. I felt completely open-hearted at the sight of this Great Vulnerable Being of Love, who was self-evidently manifesting the Divine in human form. When He Glanced at me, as He Glanced intentionally at each person in the tent, I was no more than fifteen feet away.

Opened by the chanting and the whole-bodily release that I was experiencing in that moment, I received all I had ever wanted and intuited as Truth: the confirmation of the primacy of the Divine, and of Real Love, Eye-to-eye and fully expressed there in His Form. I called out my love to Avatar Adi Da, which, paradoxically, I knew to be His Gift to me, a Gift that He was drawing out of me, a Gift that was itself His very Being. There was no sense of separation left between us and I felt no separation from anyone in the tent! There was only this Love-Blissful Condition.

A life of devotion was inspired in that moment. And ever since, as long as I have been given over enough, or have gotten myself out of the way enough to receive Adi Da's Transmission, His Gifts have never ceased.

I haven't the slightest doubt in my mind that a new way of life is possible in the world, through the new World-Religion of Adidam. And it is based on our relationship with This Perfect Descent of the Divine into our midst. I have seen this myself. Adi Da Samraj is here! And He is Radiant with the Gifts of Real God.

May you find this Grace without equal in your life.

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